A Beginner's Guide to Lifestyle Photography

A Beginner's Guide to Lifestyle Photography
Published: Apr 08, 2024

Lifestyle photography is a captivating genre that captures candid moments of everyday life in an artistic manner. It goes beyond traditional portrait or studio photography, focusing on authenticity, emotion, and storytelling. In today's digital age, where social media dominates, lifestyle photography has become increasingly popular for its ability to resonate with audiences on a personal level.

What is lifestyle photography?

A Beginner's Guide to Lifestyle Photography

Way of life photography is an umbrella term for any style of photography that means to depict individuals carrying on with their lives. A way of life photo could incorporate components of scene photography, representation, road photography, and style photography.  Not at all like narrative photography, which catches verifiable minutes and genuine individuals in regular daily existence, way of life pictures make the presence of the real world — catching the vibe of authentic, lovely minutes and genuine occasions.

Whether shooting photographs for a family collection or an item inventory, way of life photographic artists fastidiously plan shoots and put a great deal of exertion into making easy looking pictures. "Way of life photography is optimistic, yet it's genuine. Clients generally believe it should feel like a genuine second that wasn't presented, however it especially is," says way of life and design photographic artist Effortlessness Rivera.

How to get started with lifestyle photography.

 A Beginner's Guide to Lifestyle Photographyv

In the event that you're keen on turning into a way of life photographic artist, start by taking heaps of photos of your loved ones. Work on making authentic efforts and realizing what works and what doesn't. "While you're beginning, have your camera with you however much as could be expected," Rivera says. Like that, you'll begin thinking as far as photographs, so at whatever point you see something that intrigues you, you can snap a photo of it.

To the extent that topic goes, center around whatever you're generally energetic about. "In the event that it's the outside, get yourself a van and go pursue individuals around who are great at or enthusiastic about what they do," says open air photographic artist Justin Bailie. "Center around individuals doing genuine articles they care about. That is the way you will make the most true photographs."

You can likewise seek after a task or entry level position with photographic artists who are further along in their vocations. Bailie began his vocation with a temporary position. "Getting to perceive how someone with super-exclusive expectations functions, how they alter, how they talk with clients, and becoming out in the field with those individuals, there's nothing that can supplant that."

At the point when you're prepared to convey your photographs, be a merciless supervisor. Bailie proposes, particularly when you're simply beginning and building that photographic artist/manager relationship, reducing your portfolio to your best 15 or 20 photographs to show that you're aware of a supervisor's or craftsmanship chief's time.

Instructions to capitalize on a shoot.

Way of life shoots can feel like high-pressure circumstances, particularly in the event that you're working for a particular client or confronting testing conditions. 

Be ready.

Ensure you figure out the task. What is it that the client expect from the shoot? Is it clear? Then, at that point, make a shot rundown, and have a smart thought of the story you need to tell. "I have that data quite a bit early so I can prepare myself," says Rivera. "I consider ways of coordinating the ability. A great deal of it is about course and connecting with the subject."

Rivera likewise suggests bringing a bob, or compact reflector, so you can utilize normal light and reflect it into the scene. It doesn't damage to bring maybe one or two focal points either, so you can go more extensive or more tight as the need might arise. She utilizes a 35mm wide-point focal point, a 50mm focal point, and a 85mm focal point for close-up picture photography. Likewise, she knocks up her camera's variety temperature to around 6300 K (standard white is 5600 K) to make the scene somewhat hotter.

Build trust with your models.

A Beginner's Guide to Lifestyle Photography

Indeed, even prepared models can't totally conceal it on the off chance that they feel awkward during a photograph meeting, so to have the best chances, you need to attempt to ensure your models are loosened up before the camera. Rivera attempts to make the sensation of simply hanging out. "Converse with them," she says. "Cause them to feel great. Furthermore, continue shooting as you're not kidding."

Bailie prescribes a comparable way to deal with a way of life meeting. "In the event that you're shooting individuals who you don't have any idea, spend time with them for a little before you whip out the camera, so they get to know you and see that you're really keen on what they do," Bailie says. His way to deal with way of life photography is helpful. "Be a great human, and ensure that they realize you are. Instead of just someone who's attempting to take something, you're attempting to make something along with that individual."


A shoot can feel tumultuous and extraordinary, so it's essential to dial back and really look at your camera settings, particularly in the event that you're in a climate you will not have the option to recreate. "Glance around and allow yourself just to be there to take in each point that you can imagine, investigate the choices, and simply play around with it," Rivera says. "The best pictures for me are dependably the mishaps, the ones I don't anticipate getting. That is truly where that enchanted second occurs, however you must be prepared for it."

Take a ton of pictures.

In an entire day of going for a brand, Bailie says he could shoot from 800 to 4000 photographs. "Also, there may be twenty photographs in there that are great. Ideally there's something else." You frequently don't have the foggiest idea what will work, so you ought to be available to shocks. What's more, in the event that your model accomplishes something you like, don't hesitate for even a moment to request that they rehash it.


Lifestyle photography offers a unique opportunity to capture the beauty of everyday life in a creative and meaningful way. By mastering the basics, finding your niche, and honing your skills, you can embark on a rewarding journey as a lifestyle photographer. Remember to stay true to your vision, overcome challenges with perseverance, and continue to seek inspiration to fuel your passion for photography.


Q. What distinguishes lifestyle photography from other genres?

Ans:  Lifestyle photography focuses on capturing candid moments of real-life situations, emphasizing authenticity and storytelling, whereas other genres may prioritize posed or staged images.

Q. How can I find my unique style as a lifestyle photographer?

Ans;  Experiment with different techniques, subjects, and settings to discover what resonates with you creatively. Allow your personal experiences and interests to influence your photography style.

Q. Is expensive equipment necessary to get started?

Ans:  While professional-grade equipment can enhance the quality of your images, it's possible to create stunning photographs using entry-level cameras or even smartphones with advanced camera capabilities.

Q. How do I approach strangers to be subjects for my photos?

Ans:  Be polite, respectful, and transparent about your intentions when approaching potential subjects. Clearly explain your project and obtain their consent before taking any photographs.

Q, Can I make a living as a lifestyle photographer?

Ans: Yes, many lifestyle photographers successfully earn a living by working with clients, selling prints, or licensing their images for commercial use. Building a strong portfolio, marketing yourself effectively, and networking within the industry are key to success.